2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study? I went to school at a local community college, and studied Surgical technology. I now work on Labor and Delivery as a OB Tech:) Now before actually deciding on what I wanted to do I was all over the place at school! From Nursing to Art education to sonographer...im a bit indecsisive!
3. Where have you traveled? This is an area of my life that is lacking sadly. Ive never had the luxury of being able to travel. The only place Ive been is the Bahamas..but I am going to JAMAICA on our honeymoon!!!!yyaaayy!!!
4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy? A house! I cant wait to be out of our tiny damp apartment!
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves? Lies, when Jake leaves his clothes EVERYWHERE! (does it take THAT much more effort to walk the ten steps to the laudry basket..seriously?) and dirty dishes in the sink <- which I hate to do...hence the pile of dirty dishes every few days :)
6. What is your favorite movie? Dead Poets Society...and the Notebook (I'm a sap!)
7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea? I wish I could boast that all I ever drink is water..but that's soo not true! If we are going the Alcoholic route I LOVE margartias! non-alcoholic? I LOVE iced Chai Lattes! YUMMY! and I TRY to drink as much water as possible!:)
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time? Bubble bath and a good book!
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be? The Gap. Love the classic style!
10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present. I try to advoid embarrassing moments at all costs...so its been a while since I had one. But I do hate it when someone waves at you, you wave back only to discover they were waving at the person behind you! lol and yes that's happened more times than I can count!:)
11. What day would you love to relive again? I would love to relive my graduation day/weekend again! It felt soo good FINALLY being done, knowing It was a huge step towards our future AND Jake proposed only 2 days later! What a great weekend!!!:)
12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you? I would like to think that Reese Witherspoon would play me. The only reason I say that is because I think shes so freakin adorable...not that we look ANYTHING alike:)

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years? I didn't work while in High school (spoiled I know) but after high school I worked as a data entry clerk for 2 years, then as a medical assistant for a year and then a preschool teacher for almost 3 years :)
OMG I cant believe I'm showing this picture! this is my and my BFF Catalina in...10th grade? love the braces. 
14. Show us a picture from high school or
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go? Id LOVE to go to Greece or Ireland..they both just look SOO beautiful in pictures!
I love this picture because its taken where Jake and I met! Oktoberfest 2007! Little did I know that cute brown eyed boy would one day become my HUSBAND! 
16. Show us the most current picture of you or you,
or your family, or anything of meaning to you. 
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now? In 5 years ill be 32 (wow) hopefully by then Ill have at least one babe and I ideally would love to be working from home so I can stay at home with my child(ren) I'd also love to have a house and a garden!!!!
Head on over and Link up!! from Mrs. to Mama I'd love to get to know you better!
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